I’m sure at some point it will have to come and then they’ll claim how it’s always been that way and it was actually the sisters are to blame for never stepping up between 1850 and 2025.
Anony Mous
JoinedPosts by Anony Mous
Women in JW Ministry
by NotFormer inwomen make up the main population of the kingdom halls, and the pool of young males willing to step up to "serve" is drying up.
what is the likelihood of "new light" on jw women in ministry roles formerly held only by males?.
by Bill Parker ini intend to show with this article that the man of lawlessness is the anti-christ and that the activity of this composite person is what constitutes the abomination of desolation.
this shows the anti-christ and the man of lawlessness to be one and the same composite person.
we have seen that the anti-christ exalts himself {not appointed by god} then we learned that the man of lawlessness takes his seat in the temple of god.
Anony Mous
@Rattigan: you do realize that stated weaselwords in the publications is not actual policy as practiced by the WTBTS, such as the child abuse issue, they state they inform the authorities yet they privately instruct elders not to follow that advice, they state publicly the meetings are open to the public and hell, that the Watchtower study is a discussion, but they will sure make you uncomfortable and may even kick you out if you’re even the slightest bit heterodox. They state in the article that elders should not go poking around in a married couple’s business, anyone ever been involved in a judicial committee knows exactly that isn’t the case and the admonition in the elder manual is to not just poke around but keep detailed records.
Cults do this all the time, there is an inside and an outside language and they intentionally practice double speak. Every cult does this, the Christian Scientists do it, the JWs do it, the Mormons do it, they say Jesus and you think they’re talking about the Christian Jesus person, but internally they have an entirely different language to deconstruct and reconstruct who this Jesus is, in Mormonism he’s a Spirit Child and you may think that is just odd language, but in Mormonism everyone making the ascent to the temple (donating their wealth towards the church on the way) can likewise become a Spirit Child (an equal to Jesus). And that applies to every piece of thing they write, they write suggestion, but if you don’t take it as a rule you are spiritually weak which is not just that you’re slacking a bit, it’s that you’re a bad person that should be shunned.
Thought on “0 hours” reporting
by FFGhost inso everyone knows the “big news” of this past weekend, no more reporting of hours, placements, return visits, etc.
beginning november 1, jws just tick a box indicating whether they “shared in any form of the ministry during the month”.. so there was a brief comment by a redditor that seems like a brief joke “throwaway comment” but after thinking about it….why not?.
the idea is, what is “any form of the ministry”?
Anony Mous
@Journeyman: I know lots of pioneers and others that would count all forms of ministry. Even giving talks, especially at the convention, was counted.
I remember one of the last congregations I visited, they would start by going out driving for like 15 minutes to a house, go to a breakfast place for an hour or so with like 25 people, leave a tract, go out for another 15 minutes, have lunch, go out for 15 minutes, drive an hour to the other end of the territory for a return visit, drive back for another hour, go for coffee and baked goods at a local bakery. We went to maybe 4-5 houses and counted 8 hours of ministry, easily spent $20-30 on food. Coming from Europe, that kind of ministry was FUN!
The congregation was FULL of pioneers, until one CO came from California, vegetarian, he gave a talk during the elder meeting how our elders were FAT (they were, really) and then after about 2 or 3 visits he demoted every elder that didn’t lose some weight. He forced the pioneers out in the middle of winter for hours, one girl had blisters on her face from the cold. That congregation went from 5 special pioneers, 40 pioneers and a rotation of auxiliary pioneers to less than 10 in no time.
TODAY is my 56th anniversary of GOING TO PRISON as a Jehovah's Witness Conscientious Objector
by Terry inwhat happened to jehovah’s witness young men and why did it happen?______in the 1960s men of draft age were called upon to either serve in the military (during the vietnam war) or to comply with the alternate service option: serving in a hospital or community in need.. non-jehovah’s witnesses were faced with only one refusal: military service.jw boys and young men were instructed (in private) to refuse the alternate civilian service as well.
the superior authorities had made this exemption for people of conscience.the law was clear on this.
if we worked in a hospital community we would be free to go about our witnessing ministry - if we double-refused: we would languish in prison.a no-brainer to them.
Anony Mous
I find it interesting that people claim it never happened, when there are many, myself included that got counseled about it well into the 80s and 90s as the draft applied and still applies in many other countries. Even today, kids are still told that if a draft were re-instated they have to go to jail. I know COs and Bethelites that still take it as a badge of honor that they went to jail for the religion even though alternative service was available and the WTBTS has changed its mind about alternative service several times.
by Bill Parker ini intend to show with this article that the man of lawlessness is the anti-christ and that the activity of this composite person is what constitutes the abomination of desolation.
this shows the anti-christ and the man of lawlessness to be one and the same composite person.
we have seen that the anti-christ exalts himself {not appointed by god} then we learned that the man of lawlessness takes his seat in the temple of god.
Anony Mous
I find it interesting that you think a scripture applies to a religion that makes up 0.05-0.1% of the world population. You’d think prophecy would apply to a bit of a more impactful situation so people would actually notice.
by Bill Parker ini intend to show with this article that the man of lawlessness is the anti-christ and that the activity of this composite person is what constitutes the abomination of desolation.
this shows the anti-christ and the man of lawlessness to be one and the same composite person.
we have seen that the anti-christ exalts himself {not appointed by god} then we learned that the man of lawlessness takes his seat in the temple of god.
Anony Mous
@Rattigan: the group you are apologizing for uses the Pauline letters for all sorts of doctrinal matters, including the disfellowshipping, the appointment of the FDS etc. You say that the Pauline letters should be ignored by modern people, then aren’t you removing their content and thus doctrinal authority from the scriptures? Everything YOU believe about Christianity comes largely from Paul, if you want to reject them, then you should be championing Marcionism or certain forms of Gnostic Christianity.
WRONG Bible wordings #3
by BoogerMan in3) 1 timothy 2:5 - for there is one god, and one mediator between god and men, a man, christ jesus.... wtbts: this is another example of not enough information being supplied by the apostle paul.
he should have written, "for there is..one mediator between god and only 144,000 men...".
the org's type/antitype of the exodus foreigners & the other sheep not being in the 2 covenants and not having jesus as their mediator is totally debunked by deuteronomy 29:10-15 & ezekiel 47:21-23. .
Anony Mous
@Rattigan: the point is that there is no scriptural basis for a classification between a ‘spiritual’ Israel and another group of people. The Pauline scriptures were written before the gospel but even so, they don’t seem to point towards any future where there would be a capacity limit, by the time of Paul, apocalyptic sects converging on a Jesus figure already numbered into the hundreds of thousands, but even the gospels don’t make any remarks on the number of people that are permanently saved. Hell, even Revelation, where the number is sourced is very vague on that particular number.
India Bomb Blast Suspect's Claims Are False And Misleading, Say Jehovah's Witnesses
by Tahoe inhttps://www.ibtimes.com/india-bomb-blast-suspects-claims-are-false-misleading-say-jehovahs-witnesses-3717518 .
key points.
three separate blasts ripped through a gathering of jehovah's witnesses last sunday.
Anony Mous
The no true Scotsman fallacy - JW’s are loving and peaceful, therefore this individual was not a JW.
The fact is he was a JW, he admitted to being a JW, he considered himself to be a JW. I myself am technically still a JW, I haven’t been associating with them for over a decade but I was never disfellowshipped, by their own rules, I am a JW (baptized, condemned by the elders but the paperwork wasn’t completed) but they will say, by my actions I’m not a JW but legally speaking, they never revoked my JW-ship, likely never destroyed my publisher card, never revoked my status with the government as an ordained minister (capable of doing weddings) etc.
It’s like saying because we have rules that murderers should be in jail, people that aren’t in jail can’t be murderers.
Need Vocal Renditions of Sing Praises to Jehovah
by cybernyben101 ini am looking for vocal renditions of some the kingdom songs in this old songbook: sing praises to jehovah.
most of my favorite kingdom songs are from that songbook and i would love to download them on my phone.
i enjoy listening to vocal renditions of kingdom melodies.
Anony Mous
These were on tape and CD a long while back, I also recall the previous-previous song book being on LP, not sure if these ever made it on a pressed record. You’d have to find a JW or exJW that hasn’t destroyed them yet, eBay or flea markets are often a decent source.
Jesus and Thomas twin theory?
by Anony Mous inin light of the recent attack on indian jws i did some research about christianity in india and found out that india has a long history of christian influence, and not, like many of us probably believed, brought by the british, rather india has had christians for 2000 years.. matter of fact, they may be similar length and claim to the ‘original’ christians only equal by the roman (european), syrian (middle eastern) and ethiopian (african) christians.
the story goes that judas thomas (aka doubting thomas or dydimus) (literally translated: dydimus = twin (greek) and tomas = twin (aramaic)), the twin brother of jesus travelled to india and did some miracles along the way, started the church there, hence deification of thomas is common there.. i found some articles written by eg.
bart ehrman supporting this theory, personally not that much of a fan, but i know many interested in jw exegesis as he supports various fringe theories including wtbts claim to the name jehovah.. the claims of jesus’ twin brother seem to be supported by the original writings, including the gospel as we know it in the west (almost every canonical gospel writer alludes to the twin), but also various other non-canonical writings and at least 3 complete gospels claimed to be by thomas himself (although the oldest writings stem from the first, second and third century respectively).
Anony Mous
@ray: what you say is only true for Roman Catholic Christian theology, there are many other churches that even Paul alludes to and at least another New Testament worth of books that were rejected by the Nicene council in the West. Gnostic means proto-orthodox, so coming before the current orthodox.
We’re talking about a sect of Christianity that split before the Pauline letters were even written and travelled up to India and developed in their own independent version of Christianity surrounding ‘the twinship’ of Jesus.
As far as our Roman Catholic interpretation of it, they don’t seem to conflict as Thomas, Judas, Joses, James, Jude and Simon are named as being Jesus’ brothers.
This isn’t Gnosticism, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John lists Thomas ‘the twin’ on several occasions, so it was quite important to know he was a ‘twin’. The twin of who exactly and why make such a big deal out of his name, well if you don’t define it as being someone else’s twin, that leaves it to the main character in their story.
In Greek mythology twins caused ambivalent reactions and were believed to have ambivalent feelings for each other. Very often, they were viewed as the representatives of the dualistic nature of the universe. And doesn’t that represent ‘doubting Thomas’. Ambivalent about the resurrection of Jesus. And Jesus himself, dualistic, both divine and human at the same time which is what all Christians believe, that the duality of humans (the divine and the earthly form) can be unified in Christ.
There is a very similar story to the Jesus story in Greek mythology, where Zeus comes down and impregnates a woman after already been impregnated (we know Mary was engaged) by a human, resulting in a twin birth, one divine. It’s not hard to see the similarities.